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This Mother’s Day, Help VOLS Advocate for Mothers in Jail and Prison

“I believe [VOLS’ IMLP] helps in a major way. We mothers gain understanding about the legal system, our rights, and formidable options… We are assigned to [pro bono] lawyers who are faithful… My attorney is working diligently to help reunite me with my child. IMLP is a blessing for us.”

– Mother and IMLP Client

Dear Friend of VOLS,

Approximately 2,400 women are incarcerated in NYS correctional facilities. Almost 73% are mothers, and many were the primary caretakers of their children before they were arrested. Mothers separated from their children due to incarceration face daunting obstacles in maintaining relationships with their children.

For over twenty years VOLS’ Incarcerated Mothers Law Project (IMLP) has helped mothers who are incarcerated preserve and protect their parental rights by providing legal counsel, information, advocacy and representation. IMLP trains and provides support to volunteer attorneys and law students who meet each month with clients inside a New York City jail and a New York State prison. These volunteers offer critical legal assistance to help mothers stay connected to their daughters and sons during incarceration and plan for reunification with their children after their release.

I hope you will consider honoring mothers this Mother’s Day by making a donation to support the work of IMLP. To learn more about this project or to volunteer, please visit

Thank you, and Happy Mother’s Day.


Bill Lienhard,
Executive Director

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