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Thanks for joining the VOLS On the Ground special COVID-19 emergency response briefing on May 1, Law Day. See below for the full event video:

Hear “on the ground” reports from Volunteers of Legal Service staff leaders, including executive director Marcia Levy, along with VOLS board member John S. Kiernan (Debevoise & Plimpton LLP):

  • How the COVID-19 crisis affects the lives of New Yorkers and the communities that we serve;
  • How VOLS and our pro bono and community partners are rapidly responding; and
  • How you can get involved.

VOLS clients are at the forefront of those impacted by COVID-19. An unprecedented number of low-wage workers are newly unemployed or under-employed. Health-vulnerable seniors and older veterans cannot leave their homes. Frontline and healthcare workers are risking their health and security while serving the community. Many immigrant youth have lost their employment in restaurants or face workplace hazards at healthcare facilities, and they seek our confidential and trusted advice to engage with public and private institutions. Small business owners are losing their livelihoods, unable to pay rent or to support their employees. Women in prison cannot receive visitors and rely on VOLS to help maintain critical family ties.

VOLS was founded on May 1, 1984 — Law Day — by NYC Bar Association leaders to fill a void left by severe federal cuts to legal services. Since then, we have nimbly responded to emerging public health, natural disasters and economic crises such as the 1980s HIV/AIDS epidemic or the 2008 financial recession.

This Law Day, thanks to those who joined the VOLS COVID-19 Emergency Response, as we stand by New Yorkers during the public crisis and recovery in the weeks, months, and years ahead.


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