Get Help
Volunteers of Legal Service is available for in-person and remote assistance. Please refer to the numbers below to find our Main VOLS Office line, as well as help lines for our specific project lines.
Free Help Lines
- Main VOLS Office: (212) 966-4400
- Small Business / VOLS Microenterprise Project Help Line: (347)-521-5729
- Older Adults (60+) / VOLS Senior Law Project Help Line: (347) 521-5704; seniorlaw@volsprobono.org
- Veterans (60+)/VOLS Senior Law Project Help Line: (347) 521-5704; veteranslaw@volsprobono.org
- Línea directa para La Extensión Comunitaria para Adultos Mayores: (347) 521-5713; seniorlaw@volsprobono.org
- Immigrant Youth/ VOLS Immigration Project Email: iph@volsprobono.org
- VOLS Benefits Law Project Help Line: (347)-521-5720
Please check our What We Do page for more information about VOLS’ free services. Note that VOLS’ legal services are structured around specific issues and developed in partnership with community organizations that refer clients to us. We cannot provide assistance to every individual who calls us, but we will make our best effort to ensure that you find the right resources and legal provider.
This content has been prepared for general information purposes only. It is not meant to provide legal advice and should not be acted upon without consulting a legal professional. If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this or other matters, please contact VOLS. This may be considered legal advertising pursuant to the rules of professional conduct.