Each year the Pro Bono Institute (PBI) and its Corporate Pro Bono (CPBO) project host their annual Financial Institution Pro Bono Day (FIPBD). FIPBD is a day to bring financial institutions together to promote in-house pro bono engagement and collaboration.
As we have since FIPBD was first launched in 2019, the VOLS Senior Law Project held an in person on drafting and execution clinic, on April 28th, collaborating with McGuireWoods and attorneys from the Bank of America legal department to help low-income seniors. We had over a dozen volunteer attorneys join VOLS staff assist six senior clients to plan for the future by obtaining Last Wills and Testaments, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Proxies, and other advance directives. VOLS is proud to be a partner in an event that promotes and supports corporate pro bono.