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AC had been attempting to retain UI benefits dating back to March of 2020. She was not able to successfully complete a UI application in March of 2020 because someone else had been fraudulently collecting UI benefits in her name. She had to wait until the NYS DOL completed the UI fraud investigation. The fraud investigation ended in January of 2021, and she was finally able to apply for UI benefits. When she attempted to backdate her benefits to March of 2020, the DOL denied her because she “failed to comply with registration requirements,” which basically means that she waited too long to apply for UI benefits for March of 2020. She reached out to the UWP team in March of 2021, and we were able to pair her with pro-bono attorney Matthew Rutchick from Katten, Muchin, Rosenman LLP. He argued that she attempted, but was unable to file her UI claim because her DOL account was blocked due to the fraud issue, and that she was unable to speak to a DOL representative in spite of her numerous efforts. They were successful, and the ALJ found that the claimant had good cause for failing to register for benefits during the March 2020 to November 2020 period. She is now eligible to register for benefits during from that period, and she is the first of our clients who’s been granted that opportunity in 2022.

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